Business Directory
The businesses within the Eisenhower district vary from hotels to restaurants, colleges to retail shops, and more. The diversity of the businesses provides a one-stop strip, giving the people of Macon and the surrounding areas a place to shop, relax, eat, and learn. Businesses are taking a voluntary and active role to reinvest in this area, and the Eisenhower Business Improvement District is proud to team with these businesses. We highly recommend their products and services.
Retaining Current Macon Businesses
Every EBID business plays an important role in the vitality of the area and more importantly our community. EBID is able to maintain focus of the current and rising needs of our businesses through our Board of Directors made up of property and business owners in the district.
We strive to keep open lines of communication with our businesses to adequately address needs and ensure we are the best place to grow and serve the community and visitors.

Recruiting New Business
Eisenhower BID works diligently to create a beautiful, well maintained, safe and inviting area for our community, visitors and businesses new and old. We are currently working with Nextsite to develop a Market Study as a recruiting tool for interested investors and developers. EBID works with our property owners, commercial real estate representatives, local government and economic development agencies to ensure we are actively recruiting the perfect business and investments for our area.
Listing Title
Business Type
Shopping Center
ZIP Code
Listing Title
Business Type
Shopping Center
ZIP Code
Listing Title
Business Type
Shopping Center
ZIP Code
Macon Mall Revitalization
In September, Mayor Lester Miller, along with business and education partners, announced major revitalization plans for the Mall Mall including a 10,000 seat Amphitheater and new indoor tenants including government offices and recreational space. Visit our site regularly for updates.
Don't hesitate to contact us any time.
Community Partners
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